Saturday, December 2, 2006

SHRM weighs in on DC regs

SHRM Online came out with an article December 1 on the DC regulations that I blogged about last week. SHRM called me for an interview, and here's my star quote: "'These regulations are “surprisingly comprehensive,' said Jillian Todd Weiss, assistant professor of law and society at Ramapo College of New Jersey, in a Nov. 27 phone interview." Although the writer then refers to the "eight" states that have laws, a phrasing I have seen over and over again, though as we know there are 7 with explicit statutes and 15 with law of some kind, she does a good job of setting out the basics for the millions of SHRM readers whose radar is just dimly beginning to register a blip.

I wrote a long post on this issue, but it looks like Blogger deleted half of it when I published, so this will have to do. Next time I'll write it in Word and save it first. Ouch :-(