Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi spoke to a large, supportive audience at Netroots Nation. She spoke about many important issues, and I was lucky enough to have my question from the audience read first, asking about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act.
She said that ENDA, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, was her first priority, and that "there was a lot of support for ENDA."
However, she said that Don't Ask Don't Tell repeal moved first because it was to be attached to the Senate Defense Authorization Bill, which was planned first for a vote.
Robin McGehee, of the direct action group GetEqual, was undeterred. As the Speaker was giving her answer, McGehee shouted "Move on ENDA now!"
To which the Speaker replied "you're right to be impatient."
Later, talking about another bill, she also referenced ENDA: "I want to do it, you convinced me, now build the mass to make me do it."