Wednesday, April 18, 2018


I'm excited to announce that I am restarting my blog. I first started it in 2006, when I was a hatchling Assistant Professor at Ramapo College in the Law & Society Convening Group, and wanting to show the world my research on transgender workplace issues.

In the meantime, I became an Associate Professor, and then a Full Professor. During that time, I also started a law practice representing trans people around the country in employment discrimination lawsuits. I represented over 30 clients, with several high-profile litigations featured in the national press and some important legal victories. In 2016, I moved on to head the Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund in New York City as Executive Director.

I've now restarted my legal practice. I'll be representing LGBT people in employment discrimination cases, with an emphasis on trans employees. 

I'm also restarting this blog on transgender workplace law and policy, and looking forward to interacting with you on this important topic. Looking forward to it!