A federal court in conservative Indiana finds that the law requires the school to allow this transgender student to use gender-appropriate restrooms. "For the reasons set forth above, J.A.W.'s motion for preliminary injunction (Dkt. No. 19) is GRANTED. EVSC shall permit J.A.W. to use the boys' restrooms within the schools and other buildings of EVSC." Boom. Thank you, ACLU.
See this link: https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=15216634294412580800&hl=en&lr=lang_en&as_sdt=3%2C33&as_vis=1&oi=scholaralrt&hist=FkrvPKsAAAAJ%3A17837388646736399155%3AAAGBfm0w8JijtaXupRq0TPkHHb0hYf0Y3Q