Monday, December 3, 2018

Jennifer Chavez: A Hero of OurTrans Community

This short film by the ACLU is about a hero of our trans community.

As Jennifer’s attorney during her 7-year odyssey through the courts, I was and will always be inspired by this woman’s courage and heroism in the face of injustice.

Her appeals case has been cited by a dozen federal courts for the proposition that sex discrimination includes discrimination against a transgender person for gender nonconformity.

It also stands for the principle that an employer can not hide behind a “legitimate” motive, when there is evidence that being transgender was also a motivating factor for firing the employee.

We have many heroes who deserve our thanks, though many live in the shadows. I’m glad to see that Jennifer is being recognized as one of them, although it is only a small token of the recognition she deserves for being a path-breaking fighter for justice.

See this link: