On a professor's salary, I can hardly afford to support presidential campaigns (or Wall Street bailouts), but I also know that failure to support those who support transgender workplace issues will cost our country far more in the long run. Furthermore, as a group, if we each give even a $5 donation, that will amount to thousands of dollars.
It's asking a lot to ask you to shell out at a time of national financial crisis, but good leadership will make a difference for you and for all of us. We have just won a major legal victory in the employment case brought against the Library of Congress. The momentum gained from this decision will help Congress begin to understand the importance of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act for transgender and gay people. Donating to help usher in a new era of more progressive leaders is another way to make trans-inclusion a reality.
I ask you to donate also to show that the transgender community is alive and well, and that there are many of us out there who are willing to stand up and be counted. It is easy to read this and do nothing, feeling that nothing will make a difference. I know that what I am asking takes courage and willingness to go beyond the feelings of helplessness that have been drummed into us by our national leaders. Please join me in standing up and being counted.
Just click on this link: http://www.actblue.com/page/trans
Thank you for being willing to make a difference for our community.
Update: As of Tuesday, 9/30, 235 people have contributed almost $12,000, making this the 7th busiest Act Blue page for Obama in the U.S.
These efforts have been acknowledged by the Obama campaign.